Monday, February 11, 2008

Full Time

This poem was first conceived when the last man who played football during the Christmas Truce(1914) passed away in 2005.The first two lines were written by a friend JayCee as an idea for a poem. I filled in the rest using her prompt. I was imagining that all those who participated in the famous football game that took place between the trenches on Christmas day were waiting in the afterlife for the last man to join them so they could resume the game again.

Full time is called at last
The final player is no more.
All the ghosts of no man's land
Will celebrate the final score.
The last man leaves his mortal
Shell to walk on heavens shore,
Where old friends and former foe
Wait to play the game once more.

The field is ruled with poppies red,
The ball as golden as the sun.
Death's ditch is lined with eidleweiss
And Angels sing, The New Jerusalem,
To celebrate that glorius day
When they layed down bayonet and gun,
And ran upon a battlefield
To play footy just for fun.


Andy Sewina said...

Hi Gamol, I really like this poem, I've read it before recently, perhaps on one of your other blogs. Anyway, really enjoyed reading it again.

Jack Greening said...

Thanks Andy...Much appreciated.