Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I had a vision once
only once, of Death.
Not Death, but Ego dying.
Upon dying, I was reborn.
Just reborn, without attachment.
Death of attachment to attachment.

Awareness that I was awake.
fully awake, finally fully free.
pain free, no longer depressed.
Aware of my depreesion, but not attached.
No longer attached to my attachment.
Was my vision Real?


paisley said...

well i cannot say whether or not your vision is real or not,, but i can say i have the same vision.. and i see me happy somewhere down the road....

Miss Alister said...

...and I would chime in and say that your vision is as real as the mountains and rivers are real and is your ultimate destiny : )

(Good to see you around again)


Dee Martin said...

man I wish that ego of mine would die - hardest thing ever. It sure would be freeing!
